Monday, February 10, 2014

Class Reflection

I was nervous about the concept of the "E-Teacher," but after today's class I am a little more at ease.  I now have some great websites, such as Educreations and Glogster to utilize in the classroom.  As an English teacher, I will do some research on "The Infinite Thinking Machine."  It is a great concept for students to write and share short photo essays.  I learned that technology is not just about computers.  Technology is our everyday world.  I love the concept of blogging about class and our personal reflections from reading because I gained new knowledge from my peers.  This new knowledge would've never existed without the innovation of technology.  I am not quite sure how to use "Twitter," but it seems like a fun way for students and teachers to interact.  It also enables students to collaborate amongst each other.  Thanks to researching "Twitter in Education," I can create a class newspaper for a Journalism elective class.  Twitter also allows different subject classes to interact.  This is a great way to relate lessons in different subject areas.  Students and teachers become one large community for support.

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